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  • Mediterranean Martini

    Mediterranean Martini
    • 1oz Olive Oil Fat Washed Myriad Straight Shine
    • 1oz Myriad Gin
    • ½ oz olive juice

    Combine all ingredients in a shaker and then strain into a child martini glass, garnish with 2-3 olives

    How to fat wash: Take whatever type of fat you wish to use. Olive oil, coconut oil, bacon fat, etc. Combine it with alcohol of choice in a jar in a ratio of 1:3 (100ml of Olive Oil combined with 300ml of Moonshine). Shake the fat with the alcohol for 1 minute, then place in the freezer overnight. Strain the liquid away from the fat, and voila! The flavour of the fat will have been infused into the alcohol. Depending on the fat, alcohol may require 1- 2 more passes through a strainer.